
姓    名:
英 文 名:
Chen Xiao Shan
性    别:
籍    贯:
学    位:
职    称:

   (1) 1993年至1998年,广东省云浮市白石中学任数学教师
   (2) 2002年至今,     华南师范大学任数学教师,2007年评为副教授和硕士生导师,2018年评为教授,2020年评为博士生导师.   

    (1)1990年至1993年, 吉安师专(现改名为井冈山大学),数学教育专业

     (3)2004年至2007年,华南师范大学读博士研究,  导师: 黎稳教授

     (1) 2006年5~6月(2个月),中科院,白中治教授

     (2) 2008年5月(1个月),香港大学,程玮琪教授

     (3) 2008年12月(1星期),澳门大学,金小庆教授

     (4) 2012年1~3月(2个月),澳门大学,孙海卫教授

     (5) 2012年7月(1个月), 香港浸会大学,吴国宝教授

     (6) 2013年3~9(6个月),美国Kansas大学数学系,徐洪国教授

     (7) 2015年8月(1个月),澳门大学,孙海卫教授

     (8) 2017年7月(1个月),澳门大学,黄锡荣博士

     (9) 2018年1月(1个月),香港浸会大学,吴国宝教授




(1) 黎稳,李董辉,陈小山,数值代数若干问题的研究,广东省科学技术二等奖

 (3)国家自然科学基金, 基于周期系统的周期离散时间代数Riccati方程及其相关问题的研究
     (11771159), 2018年1月~2021年12月,48万,主持。
 (4)国家自然科学基金, 在数据分析中的非负张量及其张量模型的理论与数值分析(11671158),


[1] X S Chen, W Li and W Sun, Some new perturbation bounds for the genralized polar decomposition, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 44:237--244, 2004

[2]X S Chen, On perturbation bounds of generalized eigenvalues for diagonalizable pairs, Numer.  Math., 107:79~86,2007.

[3] X S Chen, W Li, On the Rayleigh quotient for singular values, J  Comput. Math. , 25: 512~521,2007.

[4]X S Chen, W Li, A note on backward error analysis of the generalized singular value decomposition, SIAM J  Matrix Anal Appl,  34:  1358~1370, 2008.

[5]X S Chen, Two perturbation bounds for singular values and eigenvalues, BIT,  48: 493~497, 2008.

[6] X S Chen and W Li, Variantions for the Q-and H-factors in the polar decomposition, Calcolo, 45: 99--109, 2008.

[7]X S Chen, Perturbation bounds for the periodic Schur decomposition, BIT, 50: 41~58, 2010.

[8]X S Chen, A backward error for the inverse singular value problem, J Comput  Appl  Math, 234: 2450~2455, 2010.

[9] X S Chen, W Li and W Ching, Perturbation analysis for the sign function of regular matrix pairs, Numer Linear Algebra Appl,  18: 189~203, 2011.

[10] X S Chen, W Li, X Chen and J Liu, Structured backward errors for generalized Saddle point systems,  Linear Algebra Appl,  436: 3109~3119, 2012.

[11]X S Chen, W Li and W Xu, Perturbation analysis of the eigenvector matrix and singular vector matrices, Taiwanese J Math, 16: 179~194, 2012.

[12]X S Chen, W Li and M Ng, Perturbation analysis for Anti-triangular Schur decomposition,  SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl, 33: 325~335, 2012.

[13] X S Chen and W Li, Sensitivity analysis for the generalized singular value decomposition, Numer Linear Algebra Appl, 20: 138~149, 2013.

[14] X S Chen, On estimating the separation of two regular matrix pairs, Numer  Math,  134: 223~247, 2016.

[15] X S Chen, On estimating the separation of two periodic matrix sequences, BIT, 57: 75~91, 2017.

[16] X S Chen and P Lv, On estimating the separation between (A,B) and (C,D) associated with the generalized Sylvester equation AXD-BXC=E, J Comput Appl  Math, 330, 128--140, 2018.

[17] X S Chen, C T Wen and H W Sun, Two-step Newton type methods for solving inverse eigenvalue problems,  Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications , 25, e2185,2018.

[18] X S Chen and H-W Sun, On the unsolvability of inverse singular value problems almost everywhere,  Linear Multi Algebra ,67(5), 987--994, 2019.

[19] X S Chen, S-W Vong, W Li and H Xu, Noda iterations for generalized eigenproblems following Perron-Frobenius theory, Numerical Algorithms, 80(5),937--955,2019.

[20] C T Wen,X S Chen and H-W Sun, A two-step inexact Newton-Chebyshev-like method for inverse eigenvalue problems, Linear Algebra Appl., 585:241-262, 2020.

[21] X Ge, X S Chen and S-W Vong, Inexact generalized Noda iterations for generalized eigenproblems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 366: 112418, 2020.

[22] W Ma and X S Chen, Two-step inexact Newton-type method for inverse singular value problems, Numerical Algorithms, 84: 847--870,2020.

[23] X S Chen, S-W Vong, On worst-case condition numbers of a multiple nonzero finite generalized singular value, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 616: 1--18, 2021.

[24] X S Chen,  H  Xu. Two-sided Rayleigh quotient iterations for periodic eigenvalue problems, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,2022; e2422

[25]Q Yang, X S Chen. On estimating the separation associated with the periodic continuous Sylvester equation, Numerical Algorithms ,90:1419--1435,2022.

[26]X S Chen, H Xu, QZ algorithm with two-sided generalized Rayleigh quotient shifts, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2022; e2475.

[27]X S Chen, H Xu, QR algorithm with two-sided Rayleigh quotient shifts, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2023; e2487.

[28]X S Chen,L H Ou, Two-step Noda iteration for irreducible nonnegative matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, (Online)